shikasha sankalp webinar

Welcome to Bharat Shiksha Sankalp

Every idea needs creativity and innovation. At the Eduverse Summit, we strongly believe in the transformative power of education. We aim to provide every student with equal opportunities and a quality education. This mission gave birth to the "Eduverse: Bharat Shiksha Sankalp."

Bharat Shiksha Sankalp, or the "Pledge for Education," is our promise to help and transform lives. We aim to make education accessible through quality, experiential learning opportunities, and global exposure for all students.

| Webinar series


Exploring Investment Horizons Indian
Education: Navigating FDI Policies,
Regulatory Frameworks,
and Tax Implications
3 PM – 4 PM IST Zoom Link

| Webinar series


Embracing a Future:
Ready Education System
11 AM – 12 Noon IST Zoom Link
EdTech Revolution in India:
Transforming Learning and Teaching
11 AM – 12 Noon IST
Cultivating Global Leaders:
The Evolving Role of Education
3 PM – 4 PM IST
Cultivating Social Responsibility:
Incorporating Sustainability in
Indian Education
3 PM – 4 PM IST
Innovative Financing in Education:
Ensuring Quality Education for All
11 AM – 12 PM IST

Our speakers and participants

Eduverse Speaker Debdutta Choudhury

Debdutta Choudhury

Associate Dean
Woxsen University

Eduverse Speaker Shankar Muralidharan

Shankar Muralidharan
CEO, ISMR Akademia

Eduverse Speaker Sid Rajhans

Sid Rajhans
Principal Policy Officer,
United Nations, New York

Eduverse Speaker Dr. Mayank Saxena

Dr. Mayank Saxena
Pro Vice Chancellor,
Sage University Indore

Eduverse Speaker Dr. Pulkit Khanna, Ph.D.

Dr. Pulkit Khanna, Ph.D.
Dean, Jindal Institute
of Behavioural Sciences ,
O.P. Jindal Global University

Eduverse Speaker Priyank Sharma

Priyank Sharma
Faculty, ITARI
Advisor: CITTA India and CoLab

Eduverse Speaker Saurabh Nanda

Saurabh Nanda
Founder, SN Mentoring

Eduverse Speaker Dr. Dipti Tulpule

Dr. Dipti Tulpule
Sr. Director, ISMR Pune

Eduverse Speaker Saurabh Arora

Saurabh Arora
Founder and CEO, University Living CNBC Young Turk

Eduverse Speaker Dr. Upasana Mahanta

Dr. Upasana Mahanta

Dean, Admissions and Outreach at O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU)
Professor, Jindal Global Law School

Eduverse Speaker Aishwarya Rai

Aishwarya Rai

Tech Evangelist
AI, SaaS, EdTech

Eduverse Speaker Rajeev Chary Tupsakri

Rajeev Chary Tupsakri

MOC Niti Ayog
Founder and Life Coach

Eduverse Speaker Prof. Pankaj Choudhary

Prof. Pankaj Choudhary

National Incharge of Policy and Research (OBC)

Eduverse Speaker Nishant Kumar Srivastava

Nishant Kumar Srivastava

Advocate on Record (AoR)
Supreme Court of India

Eduverse Speaker Anju Jayraj

Anju Jayraj

Director - Outreach & Marketing
Rishihood University

Eduverse Speaker Nilabh Ranjan

Nilabh Ranjan

Educational Advisor

Eduverse Speaker Arushi Bakshi

Arushi Bakshi

Indian School of Business and Finance
Recognized RTC of the London School of Economics

Eduverse Speaker Prof. (Dr.) Jyoti M. Pathania

Prof. (Dr.) Jyoti M. Pathania

Professor of International Relations, Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA)
OP Jindal Global University

Eduverse Speaker Niraj Harlalka

Niraj Harlalka

Co-Founder and CEO
Eduberance Education

Eduverse Speaker Subarno Bhattacharyya

Subarno Bhattacharyya

Assistant Director, Office of Digital Learning & Online Education
OP Jindal Global University

Eduverse Speaker Nitin Jain

Nitin Jain

Spread Smile Foundation (SSF)

Eduverse Speaker Amit Prabhu

Amit Prabhu

Digital Transformation Lead

Bharat Shiksha Sankalp is a platform for all higher education institute heads, policymakers, industry leaders, academic enthusiasts, and students. Through this platform, we aim to build a community of learners, educators, and industry leaders for collaborative discussion. 

 Bharat Shiksha Sankalp is not just a webinar series but a movement. It is a movement that focuses on transforming the way we perceive education, revolutionizing what we learn, and most importantly, ensuring that every student gets the opportunity they deserve.

 At Eduverse Summit, we believe in the power of dreams, the strength of hard work, and the promise of education. Through Bharat Shiksha Sankalp, online education webinars, we take an oath to stand by every student as they start their educational journey.

This is our Sankalp, our pledge.
A pledge to make education a ray of hope, an idea of change, and a pathway for a better future.


Get in touch

Be part of this historic event. For more information on registration, sponsorship, speaking opportunities, or any conference-related queries, connect with us via email, phone, or social media.

Looking forward to collaborating for a transformative global educational experience at Eduverse Summit 2024.